~= call copy ctor?

Namespace rswhite4 at googlemail.com
Fri Jul 20 14:41:42 PDT 2012

Something else which is against classes: incorrect scope

import std.stdio;

class TestC {
	this() {
		writeln("CTOR class");

	~this() {
		writeln("DTOR class");

struct TestS {
	this(int i) {
		writeln("CTOR struct");

	~this() {
		writeln("DTOR struct");

void main() {
		writeln("begin scope");

		TestC c  = new TestC();
		TestS s = TestS(42);

		writeln("end scope");

	writeln("end main");


begin scope
CTOR class
CTOR struct
end scope
DTOR struct
end main
DTOR class

Why comes "DTOR class" _after_ "end main" and not before?
If i write "scope TestC c = ...;" it is correct, but i read that
"scope" will be deprecated. Can someone explain me that behaviour?

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