normal function and template function conflict

monarch_dodra monarchdodra at
Thu Jul 26 10:18:21 PDT 2012

I was trying to write a PRNG, and I wanted to give it two seed 
methods. The first is to seed from a unique UIntType, and the 
other is to seed from an entire range of seeds. Like so:

void seed(UIntType value = default_seed)

void seed(Range)(Range range)
   if (isInputRange!Range)
Where UIntType is a template parameter of the struct.

However, this makes the compiler complain, because of a 
conflict...? Is mixing normal functions with parametrized ones 

I *fixed* the issue by contemplating the first call with:
void seed(T)(T value = default_seed)
   if (is(typeof(T == UIntType)))
1) It is ugly as sin.
2) The default parameter doesn't work anymore.

So here are my two questions:
1) Is what I was originally trying to do actually illegal, or is 
it some sort of compiler limitation? TDPL implies this should 
work perfectly fine...
2) Is there a "correct" workaround?

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