Immutability and other attributes, please review

Roman D. Boiko rb at
Fri Jun 15 03:45:29 PDT 2012

On Friday, 15 June 2012 at 10:01:42 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
> Suggest you revisit toNode function  as it does return 
> something strange :)
> Just looking at first - last  lines:
> pure nothrow auto toNode(R)(R range, immutable(Maybe!Node) 
> parent) if(isInputRange!R && hasLength!R)
> 	....
> 		auto result = new Node[](range.length);
> 		foreach(e; range) result ~= toNode2(e);
> 		return cast(immutable) range; // <<<<---- WAT
> 	}
> And no need to cast to immutable, compiler will infer things 
> automatically since it's pure. (and correctly for both 
> mutable/immutable)
Thanks, fixed. This is the result of not writing tests first :)

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