Fixed size multidimensional array at runtime

Vidar Wahlberg vidar.wahlberg at
Sat Jun 30 12:01:02 PDT 2012

On Saturday, 30 June 2012 at 18:32:09 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
> In D, static arrays are always fixed in size, and that size 
> must be known at
> compile time, whereas dynamic arrays are never fixed in size 
> (unless they're
> immutable), and the size doesn't need to be known at compile 
> time. There is no
> way to have a static array whose size isn't known at compile 
> time, which is
> what you'd need for what you're trying to do.

Thanks for the answer. It makes sense, yet when used to 
multidimensional arrays as implemented in Java it takes some time 
to wrap your head around this.

> I believe that the only way to do it would be to create a 
> struct which wrapped
> a single dimensional, dynamic array, and then overloaded 
> opIndex appropriately

This is a very good suggestion, I hadn't thought of this 
possibility, this way I can get my beloved "matrix[x][y];" 
instead of something like "matrix.get(x, y);".

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