How to remove element from an SList?

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Tue Mar 27 18:25:17 PDT 2012

On 03/27/2012 05:02 PM, Chris Pons wrote:
 > Right now i'm struggling with trying to understand how to remove an
 > element from a n SList. I only want to remove one element, not a range
 > of elements.

I don't have experience with std.container but I think you need to call 
take(a, 1).

 > The only thing I've seen so far is find from std. algorithm and
 > linearRemove. However I can't get find to work and I don't exactly
 > believe linearRemove will work either because afaik that removes up to
 > the index specified? I'm not to clear on this.
 > Here's a simplified example of what I was trying:
 > SList!int intList;
 > intList.insert( 1 );
 > auto a = find( intList, 1 );
 > intList.linearRemove( a );

The following worked for me. Note treating the SList as a range by []:

import std.container;
import std.stdio;
import std.algorithm;
import std.range;

void main()
     auto l = SList!int(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7);

     auto a = find(l[], 2);      // Search for 2 ...
     l.linearRemove(take(a, 1)); // ... and remove just 2

     auto b = find(l[], 6);      // Search for 6 ...
     l.linearRemove(b);          // ... and remove from there

     assert(l == SList!int(1, 3, 4, 5));


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