std.json dynamic initialization of JSONValue
Ali Çehreli
acehreli at
Sat Mar 31 00:31:34 PDT 2012
On 12/01/2011 02:45 PM, Kai Meyer wrote:
> I'm finding std.json extremely well written, with one glaring exception.
> I can't seem to figure out how to do this:
> JSONValue root = JSONValue(null, JSON_TYPE.OBJECT);
> root.object["first_object"] = JSONValue(null, JSON_TYPE.OBJECT);
> root.object["first_string"] = JSONValue("first_string",
> which would decode to:
> {"first_object":{},"first_string":"first_string"}
> What I end up having to do is:
> JSONValue root;
> root.type = JSON_TYPE.OBJECT;
> root.object["first_object"] = JSONValue();
> root.object["first_object"].type = JSON_TYPE.OBJECT;
> root.object["first_string"] = JSON_Value();
> root.object["first_string"].type = JSON_TYPE.STRING;
> root.object["first_string"].str = "first_string";
> That just feels like I'm doing it wrong. Is there a way to dynamically
> initialize a JSONValue struct?
std.json doesn't provide help with constructing different JSON values.
> If I try to intialize the JSONValue
> object with anything other than simply null, or empty string, I either
> get a compile error or a segfault at run-time.
That's because JSONValue has an anonymous union, which can only be
initialized by their first member, and that happens to be 'str' for
If there are anonymous unions in the struct, only the first member of
the anonymous union can be initialized with a struct literal, and all
subsequent non-overlapping fields are default initialized.
> root.object["first_object"] = JSONValue(null, JSON_TYPE.OBJECT);
> compile error:
> Error: overlapping initialization for integer
> root.object["first_string"] = JSONValue("first_string");
> run-time segfault.
> Any ideas?
std.json have been discussed recently at a different forum.[1] There, I
have come up with the following code which simplifies constructing JSON
objects by defining to!JSONValue():
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
import std.json;
import std.traits;
import std.exception;
import std.string;
/* Observation: Neither to() is a function of this module, nor
* JSONValue is its type. Is such a function template that combines
* the two legitimate? Yes modules bring namespaces, so name
* collisions can be avoided by fully qualifying names, it still feels
* like std.json should provide this function template.
* (Aside: Although C++ forbids defining functions in the std
* namespace, it is sometimes necessary to define the << operator for
* std::pair of user types.)
* BUG: This function is lacks supports for associative arrays.
JSONValue to(Target : JSONValue, T)(T value)
JSONValue json;
static if (isSomeString!T) {
json.type = JSON_TYPE.STRING;
json.str =!string(value);
} else static if (is (T : long)) {
static if (is (T == ulong)) {
/* Because std.json uses the long type for JSON
* 'INTEGER's, we protect against data loss with ulong
* values. */
enforce(value <= long.max,
format("Loss of data: %s value %s cannot be"
" represented as long!",
T.stringof, value));
json.type = JSON_TYPE.INTEGER;
json.integer = value;
} else static if (is (T : real)) {
json.type = JSON_TYPE.FLOAT;
json.floating = value;
} else static if (isArray!T) {
json.type = JSON_TYPE.ARRAY;
foreach (eleman; value) {
json.array ~= to!JSONValue(eleman);
} else static if (__traits(compiles, cast(JSONValue)value)) {
json = cast(JSONValue)(value);
} else {
static assert(false,
"Cannot convert this type to JSONValue: "
~ T.stringof);
return json;
import std.typetuple;
/* Test that we are protected against data loss. */
bool isThrown = false;
try {
} catch (Exception) {
isThrown = true;
enforce(isThrown, "Exception for ulong.max has not been thrown!");
/* These types must be supported by to!JSONValue(). */
alias TypeTuple!(
byte, ubyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong,
float, double, real,
string, wstring, dstring, char[], wchar[], dchar[],
foreach (Type; Types) {
struct Student
string name;
ulong id;
uint[] grades;
JSONValue opCast(T : JSONValue)() const @property
* TODO: It should be possible to simplify this function by
* taking advantage of __traits(allMembers) and perhaps
* mixin() by excluding the member functions by isCallable().
* A question remains: What if one of the members is of a type
* that defines the opCall() operator? Would isCallable()
* produce true for that data member as well and exclude it
* from JSON representation?
JSONValue[string] members;
members["name"] = to!JSONValue(name);
members["id"] = to!JSONValue(id);
members["grades"] = to!JSONValue(grades);
JSONValue json;
json.object = members;
json.type = JSON_TYPE.OBJECT;
return json;
JSONValue JSONRoot()
JSONValue json;
json.type = JSON_TYPE.OBJECT;
return json;
void main()
auto students = [ Student("Ayşe", 12, [ 90, 100 ]),
Student("Başak", 34, [ 95, 99 ]) ];
JSONValue root = JSONRoot();
root.object["students"] = to!JSONValue(students);
[1] Ddili Turkish forum:
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