Compute in one pass 3 tokens position

bioinfornatics bioinfornatics at
Thu May 3 08:44:54 PDT 2012

Le lundi 30 avril 2012 à 14:52 +0200, bioinfornatics a écrit :
> Hi,
> I would like to know how compute in on pass 3 tokens position in a
> sequence.
> curently i do:
> File f = File( "reader.d", "r" );
> scope(exit) f.close();
> char[1024] buffer;
> char[] content = f.rawRead(buffer);
> char[sizediff_t] token = ['(', '{', ';'];
> auto position = map!( a => content.countUntil( a ) )( [ ['('], ['{'],
> [';'] ] );
> if i use reduce instead map the build fail

update code for add attribute poure notrhow nd safe :)

 import std.string;
 import std.stdio;
 import std.conv;
 import std.c.process;
 * searchIndex
 * search at wich index is located each token in given sequence.
 * It compute it in one pass.
 * Returns:
 * An ssociative array:
 *  key = token and value first index where is found
 *  value take -1 if not found in given sequence.
@safe nothrow pure
sizediff_t[char[]] searchIndex( in char[] sequence, in char[][]
  assert(sequence !is null, "Error given sequence is null");
  bool   isComputing = true;
  size_t index       = 0;
  size_t flag        = 0;
  sizediff_t[char[]] result;

  foreach( tok; token)
    result[tok] = -1;

    if( index >= sequence.length )
      isComputing = false;
    else if( flag == token.length )
      isComputing = false;
      foreach( tok; token){
        if( sequence.length - index >= tok.length ){
          const(char)[] currentToken = (tok.length > 1) ?
sequence[index .. index + tok.length] : [sequence[index]];
          if( currentToken in result && result[currentToken] == -1 ){
            result[currentToken] = index;
  return result;

void main( string[] args ){
  if( args.length == 1 ){
    writefln( "Usage %s <token1> <token2> <token3> <token4>...", args[0]
  writeln( searchIndex( "This a cool statement such as D is fun. Use it
and got the D power. Oh yeah! Are you ready? Try it!! Have fun.",
args[1..$]) );


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