Fixed-size arrays and randomShuffle()

Chris Cain clcain at
Thu May 3 08:53:32 PDT 2012

On a related note, how did you get the other random generators 
working? I tried to compile this and it gives me an error:
import std.random, std.stdio, std.datetime;

void main() {
	int[] arr = new int[5_000_000];
     foreach(i, ref e; arr)
         e = i;
     auto rng = MinstdRand0(1);
     StopWatch sw = AutoStart.yes;
     randomShuffle(arr, rng);

     writeln("Took ", sw.peek().to!("msecs", double)(), "ms");

The error:
C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\random.d(1263): Error: 
cannot implicitly convert expression (rndGen()) of type 
to LinearCongruentialEngine!(uint,16807,0,2147483647)

Is this a bug in 2.059? Or am I doing something wrong?

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