ProjectEuler problem 35
Tiberiu Gal
galtiberiu at
Wed May 16 07:11:15 PDT 2012
On Wednesday, 16 May 2012 at 09:46:06 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky wrote:
> On 16.05.2012 13:26, Tiberiu Gal wrote:
>> hi
>> many claim their code solves the problem in order of ms (
>> c/pascal/haskell code)
>> my D code takes ~1.5 seconds.
>> Can it be made faster ( without pointers )?
>> it runs the same with or without caching the primes, and most
>> of the
>> time it spends finding primes; isCircularPrime can be
>> optimized a bit,
>> obviously, but it's not the bottleneck.
>> thanks
>> ===========================================
>> module te35;
>> import std.stdio, std.math, std.conv;
>> const Max = 1_000_000;
>> byte[Max] primes;
>> void main() {
>> primes[] = -1;
>> int cnt;
>> foreach(i; 2 .. Max) {
>> //writefln("is %s prime ? %s ", i, i.isPrime);
>> if( i.isPrime && i.isCircularPrime) {
>> cnt++;
>> //writefln("\t\tis %s, circular prime ? %s ", i,
>> i.isCircularPrime);
>> }
>> }
>> writeln(cnt);
>> }
>> bool isPrime(int n) {
>> byte x = 0;
>> if( ( x = primes[n]) != -1) return (x == 1);
>> if( n < 2 && n > 0 ) {
>> primes[n] = 0;
>> return true;
>> }
>> //int s = cast(int) (sqrt( cast(real) n) ) + 1;
>> for(int i=2; i*i < n + 1; i++) {
>> if( n %i == 0 ) {
>> primes[n] = 0;
>> return false;
>> }
>> }
>> primes[n] = 1;
>> return true;
>> }
>> bool isCircularPrime( int n) {
>> auto c = to!string(n);
>> for(int i ; i < c.length; i++){
>> c = c[1 .. $] ~ c[0];
> Don't ever do that. I mean allocating memory in tight cycle.
> Instead use circular buffer. (just use the same array and wrap
> indexes)
>> if( !(to!int(c) ).isPrime )
> And since to!int can't know about circular buffers.
> You'd have roll your own. I don't think it's hard.
>> return false;
>> }
>> return true;
>> }
circular references are not not easy to implement or grasp ...
I want this code to be accessible for an average python
developer, yet as efficient as if written in cpp ( well ...
that's what D aims to do, right? )
how about this isCircularPrime ? it does run under 1 sec (thanks
to Era and Andrea' suggestions)
bool isCircularPrime( int n) {
if(n < 10) return true;
int x = n;
int c = 0;
int s;
do {
s = x%10;
if ( (s % 2 == 0) || (s == 5) || s == 0 ) return false;
x /= 10;
} while (x > 9);
int m = n;
//writefln("start testing circular %s , %s, %s", n , m , c) ;
for(int i = 1; i <= c; i++) {
m = (m % 10) * pow(10, c) + ( m / 10) ;
//writefln(" testing circular %s , %s, %s", n , m , i) ;
if( !primes[m] )
return false;
return true;
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