revamped candydoc

Dan dbdavidson at
Fri Oct 12 07:36:33 PDT 2012

On Thursday, 11 October 2012 at 18:08:47 UTC, Aziz K. wrote:
> I'll be happy to help you compile DIL yourself. That way I can 
> see where my assumptions are false and my instructions are 
> lacking and make it work for different platforms and needs. 
> I've been considering just copying Tango's files to my src 
> folder, because it would make compiling much easier (or going 
> the more difficult route and automatically download/build Tango 
> from
> Can you join me at #dil on Chatting will be much 
> faster than e-mailing.

Thanks for all the answers/suggestions. Aziz helped me get set up 
with dil and it is quite nice. Just for better understanding 
though, I'd like to determine why candydoc is not working for me. 
Either my command line/setup is wrong or others using this 
successfully do not have package nesting. I think the problem is 
for every module an html file is generated without the package 
prefix in the name. This presents a problem in what is generated, 
because links inside the html refer to the package qualified 
name. For example:

tmp$ mkdir pkgouter
tmp$ mkdir pkgouter/pkg1
tmp$ mkdir pkgouter/pkg2
tmp$ echo "/** Mod foo */ module;" > 
tmp$ echo "/** Mod foo */ module;" > 
tmp$ git clone
Cloning into 'candydoc'...
remote: Counting objects: 145, done.
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (89/89), done.
remote: Total 145 (delta 70), reused 130 (delta 55)
Receiving objects: 100% (145/145), 117.46 KiB, done.
Resolving deltas: 100% (70/70), done.
tmp$ echo "MODULES=\$(MODULE \$(MODULE">candydoc/modules.ddoc
tmp$ dmd -c -D  candydoc/candy.ddoc candydoc/modules.ddoc 
pkgouter/pkg1/foo.d pkgouter/pkg2/foo.d
tmp$ ls
candydoc  foo.html  foo.o  pkgouter

Only foo.html was generated referencing and So, if I could get the dmd to output the html 
filename as the package qualified name I think it would just work.


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