__traits(compiles,...) <=> ? is(typeof(...))

Zhenya zheny at list.ru
Mon Oct 29 03:42:59 PDT 2012


Tell me please,in this code first and second static if,are these 
with arg = 1, __traits(compiles,"check(arg);") = true, 
is(typeof(check(arg))) = false.

template ArgType(alias arg)
	void check(T)(ref T t) {};
//	static if(__traits(compiles,"check(arg);"))
	static if(is(typeof(check(arg))))
		struct ArgType
			typeof(arg)* m_ptr;
			this(ref typeof(arg) r)
				m_ptr = &r;
			@property ref typeof(arg) get()
				return *m_ptr;
			alias get this;
		alias typeof(arg) ArgType;

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