crash suggestions

Dan dbdavidson at
Mon Oct 29 05:04:20 PDT 2012

On Monday, 29 October 2012 at 05:47:21 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

> First, in order to build the code with dmd 2.060, I had to make 
> opEquals() and getRate() non-const.

Thanks for the answers.
I am using v2.060 as well so I assume this is not necessary, 
maybe just a change you made along the way while troubleshooting?

> I was able to reproduce the problem in my 64-bit environment.
> The workaround is to compile with -m32. It worked for me.

Wow - good catch. I'm interested in moving to D because it is 
beautiful/powerful and now there is a nice web stack (vibe.d). I 
have installed vibe and it requires libraries like ssl, 
event_pthreads, etc. I have those included in my command line. 
When I simply add the -m32 as suggested it can no longer find 
those lib files. Do I then need to track down 32 bit versions of 
each and use -m32 always?

I'm just starting out and honestly I don't intend to write 
complex code - the pprint is hopefully more complex than I'll 
get. Given that, assuming linux is my target is it a 
recommendation to use 32 bit, or are most people doing just fine 
64 bit. If the latter I'd rather live with it. Honestly I'm 
posting more to have experts tell what I might be doing wrong, 
what gotchas there are, where to look and how to troubleshoot. 
For instance:

- does gdb on linux at this point do the name demangling? I've 
tried 7.4.1 and 7.5 with no luck. Also when I pass the call stack 
text through ddmangle it sometimes works but ususally not.

- is anyone successfully using zerobugs on 64 bit ubuntu. When I 
try to install I keep getting complaints about missing gtk 
libraries. Not asking to troubleshoot here, just to know if 
others are successfully using it and is it more eye friendly with 
respect to naming?

> There are some 64-bit compilation bugs. Please create a bug 
> report if you don't think this has already been reported:

I am not ready for that yet. When I see a seg fault I assume it 
is my code. I think this code is too complex or too large for me 
to present as a bug because I have no idea if it is really a 
compiler problem or not. I have a crash, I rebuild with different 
flags and it works does not mean compiler bug - although in this 
case you may be correct.


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