splitting numbers from a test file

Craig Dillabaugh cdillaba at cg.scs.carleton.ca
Tue Sep 18 19:50:45 PDT 2012

Hello I am trying to read in a set of numbers from a text file.
The file in questions looks something like this:

35  2  0  1
     0    0.49463548699999998  0.88077994719999997    0
     1    0.60672109949999997  0.2254208717    0

After each line I want to check how many numbers were on the line
I just read. My code to read this file looks like:

1 import std.stdio;
2 import std.conv;
4 int main( string[] argv ) {
5    real[] numbers_read;
6    size_t line_count=1;
8    auto f = std.stdio.File("test.txt", "r");
9    foreach( char[] s; f.byLine() ) {
10     string line = std.string.strip( to!string(s) );
11     auto parts = std.array.splitter( line );
12     writeln("There are ", parts.length, " numbers in line ",
13     foreach(string p; parts) {
14     numbers_read ~= to!real(p);
15      }
16    }
17    f.close();
18    return 0;
19 }

When I try to compile this I get an error:
test.d(12): Error undefined identifier 'length;

However, shouldn't splitter be returning an array (thats what the
docs seem to show)? What is the type of 'parts'? (I tried using
std.traits to figure this out, but that just generated more
syntax errors for me).



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