How do I defeat the gratuitous qualification of alias members?

Chad Joan chadjoan at
Thu Apr 4 23:20:04 PDT 2013

On 04/04/2013 11:50 PM, Chad Joan wrote:

FWIW, I was able to make a template to allow me to do what I want:

mixin template dequalifyEnumMembers(theEnum, members...)
     static if ( members.length > 0 )
         mixin("alias "~theEnum.stringof~"."~members[0]
             ~" "~members[0]~";");
         mixin dequalifyEnumMembers!(theEnum, members[1..$]);

mixin template dequalifyEnum(theEnum) if (is(theEnum == enum))
     mixin dequalifyEnumMembers!(theEnum, __traits(allMembers, theEnum));


mixin dequalifyEnum!MyEnum;
enum MyEnum

void foo(MyEnum m)
     final switch(m)
         // Comment one of these lines out to get the
         //   "not represented in enum" error.
         case Pliers:  writeln("Pliers");  break;
         case Forceps: writeln("Forceps"); break;
         case Picks:   writeln("Picks");   break;

void main()

I still can't escape the feeling that this is a hack to work around 
limitations of the language or lack of knowledge.

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