Which option is faster...

dennis luehring dl.soluz at gmx.net
Tue Aug 6 23:05:13 PDT 2013

Am 07.08.2013 06:30, schrieb jicman:
>> Again, what are you trying to achieve?
>> Your statement is not necessarily true, for a  myriad of
>> reasons, but it entirely depends on what you want to do.
>> I would reiterate Dennis Luehring's reply, why are you not
>> benching? It seems like you are guessing at what the problems
>> are, that's hardly ever useful.
>> One of the first rules of network optimization  is to reduce
>> the amount od data, that normally means filtering.at the
>> server, the next thing is coarse grained is better than fine
> It's a long story and I will return in a few months and give you
> the whole story, but right now, time is not on my side.  I have
> answers for all the questions you folks have asked, and I
> appreciate all the input.  I have the answer that I was looking
> for, so in a few months, I will come back and explain the whole
> story.  Thanks for all the response and suggestions.

after makeing us girls all wet to help you - your reply is
"no sex on the first date, im a gentlemen... but maybe in a few months"


you having a jscript doing somehting with files,fileextensions over 
networkdrive - it runs around 8h

you ported that jscript to D - now it runs for 6h

you noob-guessed the lowercase-if-party could be evil (btw: it cost more 
time to guess then to benchmark)

you get trivial answers that won't get you very much, the lowercase 
would not boost your speed that much and the networkdrive latency will 
kill all the other statemachine ideas

you don't answer trivial questions about the big picture - and now 
you're out of time

open questions:
-why not collect the data on the server itself - instead of grabbing 
tiny bits over network? - this is for understanding your environent

-how big is the speed drop with your tool on the very same drive localy 
and over a networkdrive? - this is for understanding the latency

-are you also reading this files or just doing filename search 
(recursively?) and throwing out non office-extensions?
this is for getting an idea if buildin OS(operating system) features can 

see you in a few months

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