improve concurrent queue
rd.hunt at
Mon Aug 26 12:35:26 PDT 2013
I have been working on a project and needed a good concurrent
queue, so I wrote one, is their anyone more familiar with the
atomic arts that could tell me if their is anyway i can further
improve it.
module container.concurrentqueue;
import std.typetuple;
import core.atomic;
class ConcurrentQueue( items... ) {
align(64) class nodeType {
this( ) { atomicStore(, cast(shared nodeType) null );
this( TypeTuple!items value ) {
foreach( k, v ; value ) {
this.value[k] = v;
TypeTuple!items value;
shared nodeType next;
class ConsumerResult {
TypeTuple!items value;
alias value this;
public this() {
shared nodeType temp = cast(shared)new nodeType( );
atomicStore( first, temp );
atomicStore( last , temp );
atomicStore( producerLock, false );
atomicStore( consumerLock, false );
public void Produce( items item ) {
TypeTuple!items t = item;
shared nodeType temp = cast(shared)new nodeType ( t );
while( !cas(&producerLock, false, true ) ) { }
atomicStore( , temp );
atomicStore( last , temp );
atomicStore( producerLock, false );
public ConsumerResult Consume( ) {
while( !cas(&consumerLock, false, true ) ) { }
shared nodeType temp = cast(shared)atomicLoad( first );
shared nodeType next = cast(shared)atomicLoad( );
ConsumerResult result = new ConsumerResult();
if( next !is null ) {
foreach( k, v ; items ) {
result[k] = cast(v)next.value[k];
first = next;
atomicStore( consumerLock, false );
return result;
atomicStore( consumerLock, false );
return null;
private shared nodeType first;
private byte padd1[64];
private shared nodeType last;
private byte padd2[64];
private shared bool consumerLock;
private byte padd3[64];
private shared bool producerLock;
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