how to compose delegate type

Ellery Newcomer ellery-newcomer at
Fri Dec 6 17:18:05 PST 2013

On 12/05/2013 09:33 PM, Jesse Phillips wrote:
> I don't think I understand what you mean:

this code illustrates it:

class Z {
     string a() immutable {
         return " 1";
     string b() {
         return "2";

template F(t) {
     alias immutable(t) F;
alias typeof(&Z.init.a) Texpected;
alias typeof(&Z.init.a) T;

static assert(is(F!(T) == Texpected));

void main() {}

above F doesn't work; immutable(void delegate()) and void delegate() 
immutable are different types (I think the latter means 'this' is 
If t were a function pointer, you would apply the immutable to the 
pointer target like so:

alias immutable(pointerTarget!t)* F

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