iterate over enum name:value pairs

Jay Norwood jayn at
Sun Dec 8 13:28:07 PST 2013

Yes, thanks, that syntax does work for the initialization.

The C syntax that failed for me was using the curly brace form 
shown in the following link.

Also, I think I was trying forms of defining the struct and 
initializing the array in the same line... something like this C:
static struct Suit{ int i; long lv;} suits[3] = {{1, 2L},{2, 

It looks to me like D requires a named struct definition in a 
separate line from the array  definition.  If that is so, then 
the C initialization of an array with an unnamed struct type, 
like this, would require a struct type name.

static struct { int i; long lv;} suits[3] = {{1, 2L},{2, 

So, from your static intialization example, this works.

Also, the conversion of struct to tuple makes the writefln 
tupleof conversion on the struct a little cleaner, since you only 
have to specify the single tuple parameter.

module main;

import std.stdio;

void main()
	struct Suit {string nm; int val; int val2; string shortNm;};

	static Suit[5] suits =  [
     foreach (member;  suits)
	auto tup = member.tupleof;
	writefln("%s %d %d %s", tup);


spades 1 6 spd
hearts 4 10 hrt
hearts2 4 10 hrt2
diamonds 10 16 dmd
clubs 11 17 clb

I also tried using writefln(tup) and writeln(tup) in the example 
above.  The output from writeln(tup) looks like it is headed in 
the right direction.  Maybe a writecsv(tup) would be useful.


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