Dub and GtkD

Russel Winder russel at winder.org.uk
Sun Dec 22 06:36:15 PST 2013

On Sun, 2013-12-22 at 12:58 +0100, Mike Wey wrote:
> On 12/21/2013 11:19 PM, qznc wrote:
> > For some reason GtkD uses some unreleased version of Gtk with some
> > OpenGL features.
> This is because the released version of GtkGLext doesn't support Gtk+ 3.x.

OK so that is why it isn't in Debian.

Does Fedora 20 or RPM Fusion have the pre-release as a package?

> > You can use the "normal/stable" variant by adapting
> > your dependency a little:
> >
> > "dependencies": { "gtk-d:gtkd": "~master" }
> Just depending on the subpackage you need will stop dub from including 
> the other parts of GtkD in your app. So this should fix your problem.

OK, that can work for me.

Python now uses the reflection approach to providing a Python binding to
the API: PyGTK has given way to PyGobject. Has the PyGobject approach
been rejected for GtkD staying with the PyGtk approach?

I am currently rewriting a gtkmm application I had in GtkD and once a
few problems of connectSignals is solved I am going to be loving it,
thanks for keeping it going.

Dr Russel Winder      t: +44 20 7585 2200   voip: sip:russel.winder at ekiga.net
41 Buckmaster Road    m: +44 7770 465 077   xmpp: russel at winder.org.uk
London SW11 1EN, UK   w: www.russel.org.uk  skype: russel_winder
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