Not able to get scaled performance on increasing number of threads

Sparsh Mittal sparsh0mittal at
Fri Feb 1 07:42:55 PST 2013

It got posted before I completed it! Sorry.

I am parallelizing a program which follows this structure:

immutable int numberOfThreads= 2

for iter = 1 to MAX_ITERATION
      myLocalBarrier = new Barrier(numberOfThreads+1);
      for i= 1 to numberOfThreads
         spawn(&myFunc, args)


void myFunc(args)
      //do the task


When I run it, and compare this parallel version with its serial 
version, I only get speedup of nearly <1.3 for 2 threads. When I 
write same program in Go, scaling is nearly 2.

Also, in D, on doing "top", I see the usage as only 130% CPU and 
not nearly 200% or 180%. So I was wondering, if I am doing it 
properly. Please help me.

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