Not able to get scaled performance on increasing number of threads

Dmitry Olshansky dmitry.olsh at
Fri Feb 1 11:33:04 PST 2013

01-Feb-2013 20:08, Sparsh Mittal пишет:
> Here is the code:

Mine reiteration on it, with a bit of help from std.parallelism.
std.parallelism uses thread pool thus it's somewhat faster then creating 
threads anew.
Still it's instantaneous for me in a range of 30-40ms even with grid 
size of 1024 and 5M of iterations.

Have you enabled all of the optimizations? Correct switches are:

dmd -inline -O -release optimize_me.d


rdmd -inline -O -release optimize_me.d

to run after compile

import std.stdio;
import std.parallelism;
import std.datetime;
import std.conv;

immutable int gridSize = 1024;
immutable int MAXSTEPS = 5000_000;       /* Maximum number of iterations  */
immutable double TOL_VAL =0.00001;         /* Numerical Tolerance */
immutable double omega =  0.376;
immutable double one_minus_omega = 1.0 - 0.376;

immutable int numberOfThreads = 2;

double MAX_FUNC(double a, double b)
   return a> b? a: b;

double ABS_VAL(double a)
   return a> 0? a: -a;

shared double[gridSize+2][gridSize+2] gridInfo;
shared double maxError = 0.0;

void main(string args[])

   for(int i=0; i<gridSize+2; i++)
     for(int j=0; j<gridSize+2; j++)
         gridInfo[i][j] = 1.0;
         gridInfo[i][j] = 0.0;

   bool shouldCheck = false;
   bool isConverged = false;
   for(int iter = 1; iter <= MAXSTEPS; iter++)
     shouldCheck = false;
     if(iter % 400 ==0)
       shouldCheck = true;
       maxError = 0.0;

     alias MyTask = typeof(task!(SolverSlave)(0, 0, false));
       //This is Phase 1
       MyTask[numberOfThreads] tasks;
       foreach(cc; 0..numberOfThreads)
         tasks[cc] = task!(SolverSlave)(cc, 0, shouldCheck);
       foreach(cc; 0..numberOfThreads)

      //This is Phase 2
       MyTask[numberOfThreads] tasks;
       foreach(cc; 0..numberOfThreads)
         tasks[cc] = task!(SolverSlave)(cc, 1, shouldCheck);
       foreach(cc; 0..numberOfThreads)


     if( maxError <  TOL_VAL)
         isConverged = true;

     writeln("It converged");
     writeln("It did not converge");*/

void SolverSlave(int myNumber, int remainder, bool shouldCheckHere)

   double sum =0;

   //Divide task among threads
   int iStart = ((myNumber*gridSize)/numberOfThreads) + 1;
   int iEnd =  (((myNumber+1)*gridSize)/numberOfThreads) ;

   for(int i=iStart; i<= iEnd; i++)
     for(int j=1; j< gridSize+1; j++)
       if( ((i+j)%2 ==remainder)) //Phase 1 or 2
         sum = ( gridInfo[i  ][j+1] + gridInfo[i+1][j  ] +
             gridInfo[i-1][j  ] + gridInfo[i  ][j-1] )*0.25;

         //Should not check everytime to reduce synchronization overhead
           maxError = MAX_FUNC(ABS_VAL(omega *(sum-gridInfo[i][j])), 
         gridInfo[i][j] = one_minus_omega*gridInfo[i][j] + omega*sum;



Dmitry Olshansky

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