How to read fastly files ( I/O operation)

bioinfornatics bioinfornatics at
Wed Feb 6 07:40:38 PST 2013

On Wednesday, 6 February 2013 at 13:20:58 UTC, bioinfornatics 
> i use both gdc / ldc with "-w -O -release" flags
> writeln inside loop is never evaluated as computeLocal boolean 
> is always false
> Thanks in any case i continue to read all your answer :-)

just to add more information about fastq

And here a set of fastq where parser should success or fail

The problem is a sequence line could be splitted in several line 
same for quality line. And if i think it should allow to have in 
this lines white space

the @ is used to identify a identifier line
the + is used to identify a description line
but this char could appear as a quality value (ubyte)

I agree the spec format is really bad but it is heavily used in 
biology so i would like a fast parser to develop some D 
application instead to use C++.

I will try later all previous recommendation thank to all.

It seem in any case is not easy to parse fastly a file in D

Note: is possible to lock a file? to able to use pure method ?

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