What is the use case of RandomCover?

Ivan Kazmenko gassa at mail.ru
Mon Feb 18 06:47:55 PST 2013

> 1. Speed.
> +randomShuffle performs O(n) steps and O(n) uniform() calls.
> -randomCover performs O(n^2) steps and O(n^2) uniform() calls.
> The latter however can (and perhaps should?) be optimized to 
> O(n): in the implementation, the line

Sorry, this part doesn't look clear.  O(n^2) total with O(n^2) 
uniform() calls can be optimized to the same O(n^2) total but 
with only O(n) uniform() calls.  It can be further optimized to 
O(n log n) total with O(n) uniform() calls using a Fenwick tree, 
but will then require storing n ints instead of n bools.

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