Creating Structs/Classes at runtime?

Ali Çehreli acehreli at
Mon Feb 18 17:09:06 PST 2013

On 02/18/2013 04:31 PM, Brian Brady wrote:

 > So a program that reads in a csv of the form:
 > "string, number, number, number"
 > and stores it in a container/matrix/associative array
 > could also read in
 > "number, number, string, number, string, number, number, number"
 > and store it in a container with similar properties.
 > Once I can get both csvs input in the same manner, I can work on
 > determining what is in each container, and go from there.

How about an OO solution?

import std.stdio;

interface Data
     void doSomething();

// This works with any simple type
class SimpleData(T) : Data
     T value;

     this(T value)
         this.value = value;

     void doSomething()
         writefln("Doing something with %s %s", T.stringof, value);

alias IntData = SimpleData!int;
alias StringData = SimpleData!string;

// My special type
struct MyStruct
     double d;
     string s;

     void foo()

// This works with my special type
class MyStructData : Data
     MyStruct value;

     this(double d, string s)
         this.value = MyStruct(d, s);

     void doSomething()
         writefln("Doing something special with this MyStruct: %s", value);;

void main()
     Data[] dataContainer;

     // Append according to what gets parsed from the input
     dataContainer ~= new IntData(42);
     dataContainer ~= new StringData("hello");
     dataContainer ~= new MyStructData(1.5, "goodbye");

     // Use the data according to the Data interface
     foreach (data; dataContainer) {

The output:

Doing something with int 42
Doing something with string hello
Doing something special with this MyStruct: MyStruct(1.5, "goodbye")


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