Reading and writing a class to a (binary) file

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Mon Jan 7 10:08:06 PST 2013


> As I am learning D as my first language, it may sound crazy.

D is one of the most complex languages, so your have to learn a 
LOT. Learning about static typing is important, but usually as 
first language I suggest Python, despite Python is not perfect.

> But I would appreciate if somebody tell me how to read and 
> write a class (say with two objects, an integer an a char[20]) 
> to a file (text or binary).

This uses a text file. There are various ways to improve this 

import std.string: format;
import std.stdio: File, writeln;
import std.conv: to;

final class Foo {
     private immutable int x;
     private immutable char[20] txt;

     this(in int x_, in string txt_) pure nothrow {
         this.x = x_;
         this.txt[0 .. txt_.length] = txt_;
         this.txt[txt_.length .. $] = ' ';

     override string toString() const {
         return format("%d %s", x, txt);

     void toFile(File fout) const {
         fout.writef("%x %s\n", x, txt);

     static Foo fromFile(File fin) {
         int xx;
         string s;
         fin.readf("%x %s\n", &xx, &s);
         return new Foo(xx, s);

void main() {
     immutable fileName = "foo_test.txt";

     auto fin = File(fileName, "wt");
     (new Foo(10, "First test")).toFile(fin);
     (new Foo(20, "Second test")).toFile(fin);

     auto fout = File(fileName, "rt");


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