BitArray new design

Era Scarecrow rtcvb32 at
Thu Jan 10 13:50:16 PST 2013

On Thursday, 10 January 2013 at 21:37:22 UTC, Dmitry Olshansky 
> It's only for classes AFAIK. Inner structs of structs (LOL) 
> don't have it.

  Why not? I don't see a reason why not personally. Umm maybe I 
do... the outer struct becomes referenced to S2, so...

  struct S {
    int x;
    struct S2 {
      int getX(){return x;}
    S2 s2;

  S.S2 func(){
    S s;
    return s.s2;

  auto x = func();
  writeln(x.getX()); //prints garbage? Or access violation.

  If func had used new on s, then it would have worked... Yeah I 
see the problem now. The only way that would work is if S2 is 
never allowed to be passed outside a function, and on copying the 
new hidden pointer is updated to the new location. That makes 
sense. Maybe something walter will consider.

> Sounds good and seductively simple.

  Yeah I hope so. We'll see, that's the design I'll go for. I'll 
let you know how it goes; Should at least simplify the code and 
remove the need for bitfields.

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