Enhancing foreach

Raphaël Jakse raphael.jakse at gmail.com
Tue Jan 15 11:03:27 PST 2013

Le 15/01/2013 19:41, Ary Borenszweig a écrit :
> On Thursday, 10 January 2013 at 17:36:15 UTC, Raphaël Jakse wrote:
>> Le 10/01/2013 10:23, monarch_dodra a écrit :
>>> On Thursday, 10 January 2013 at 03:29:21 UTC, Peter Summerland wrote:
>>> The only thing I'd want to be able to do is:
>>> //----
>>> foreach ( ; 0 .. 5)
>>> {
>>>     writeln("hello");
>>> }
>>> //----
>>> If I don't need a named variable, why force me to define a symbol?
>>> http://d.puremagic.com/issues/show_bug.cgi?id=9009
>>> I know I could just use "i" and move on, but when code starts getting
>>> complex, and you already have i, j, k, ii, dummy etc..., it can make a
>>> difference.
>> What about :
>> foreach (0 .. 5)
>> {
>>     writeln("hello");
>> }
>> ?
> What about:
> 5 {
>     writeln("hello");
> }
> It could even work with floats!
> 1.5 {
>     writeln("nice");
> }
> prints:
> nice
> ni

D should definitively implement the GWPM (Gess What the Programmer 
Meant) compile-time feature. That would be awesome.

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