Variadic template arguments unpacking

TommiT tommitissari at
Sat Jul 6 11:34:14 PDT 2013

On Saturday, 6 July 2013 at 18:17:34 UTC, TommiT wrote:
> Can you tell me why this isn't working though?

I can get this so far that it prints: 1 1 2 0 <random> <random>

import std.stdio, std.typetuple;

template _TypeMap(alias MAP, size_t N, TS...) {
   static if (N<TS.length)
       alias _TypeMap = _TypeMap!(MAP,
       alias _TypeMap = TS;
template TypeMap(alias MAP, TS...) {
  alias TypeMap = _TypeMap!(MAP, 0, TS);

struct _ForEach(alias MAP, TS...)
   TypeMap!(MAP, TS) tuple;

   this(TS values)
       foreach (i, v; values)
           tuple[i] = MAP(v);

auto ForEach(alias MAP, TS...)(TS ts)
   return _ForEach!(MAP, TS)(ts);

int[2] getArray(int n)
     int[2] data = n;
     return data;

void foo(R...)(R ranges)
     foreach (range; ranges)
         foreach (value; range)
             write(value, " ");

void main()
     alias pack = TypeTuple!(1, 2, 3);

     // prints random garbage
     foo(ForEach!((ref int[2] tmp) { return tmp[]; })
                 (ForEach!(a => getArray(a))(pack).tuple).tuple);

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