
Jacob Carlborg doob at
Thu Jul 18 23:27:35 PDT 2013

On 2013-07-19 00:47, JS wrote:
> module main;
> import std.stdio;
> interface A
> {
>      final void Afoo() { }
>      void bar();
> }
> class B  : A
> {
>      final void Bfoo() { }
>      void bar() { }
>      void doo() { }
> }
> class C : B
> {
>      //override void bar() { }
>      override void doo() { }
>          void doo(int x) { }
> }
> int main(string[] argv)
> {
>      pragma(msg, GetOverloadedMethods!B);
>      pragma(msg, GetOverloadedMethods!C);
>     return 0;
> }
> GetOverloadedMethods comes from std.traits. It returns toHash, toString,
> opCmp, etc...
> tuple(bar, doo, toString, toHash, opCmp, opEquals)
> tuple(doo, doo, bar, toString, toHash, opCmp, opEquals)
> Is there a way to get only the overridden implemented methods?
> GetOverloadedMethods!B gives only bar and doo
> GetOverloadedMethods!B gives only doo and doo

I would guess it would be possible to get this information using the 
__traits derivedMembers, parent and getOverloads. Something like:

1. Get all derived members of the class
2. Get all derived members of the parent class
3. Create a tuple with the intersection of the above two lists
4. Filter out any methods that doesn't have the same arguments using 

Would that work? I guess it would be easier if we had a trait for that.

/Jacob Carlborg

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