geting stack trace from signal handlers

Timothee Cour thelastmammoth at
Thu Jun 6 15:00:03 PDT 2013

just to be clear, this is what i get:

0   test_stacktrace_sigint              0x0000000102e2f69f
handleTermination + 35
1   libsystem_c.dylib                   0x00007fff919d794a _sigtramp + 26
2   ???                                 0x0000000000000005 0x0 + 5
3   test_stacktrace_sigint              0x0000000102e4c18d
D2rt6dmain211_d_run_mainUiPPaPUAAaZiZi7runMainMFZv + 33

iterm#2 is unreadable.

On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 2:50 PM, Timothee Cour <thelastmammoth at>wrote:

> Great!
> two issues (on OSX at least):
> A)
> it seems the top-most element of the call stack gets chopped off; eg in
> your code, the main_module.main symbol will not appear in the stack trace.
> Any idea why or how to fix that?
> Is that some inlining issue ? I tried with dmd -g, or -gs or -gc.
> This can be annoying when the top-most function is a large function and
> it's not at all clear where the code stopped.
> B)
> there are no line numbers. I did a complex workaround by launching a
> process and calling atos to get those, but isn't there a better way?
> On Thu, Jun 6, 2013 at 8:44 AM, nazriel <spam at> wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 5 June 2013 at 21:05:53 UTC, Timothee Cour wrote:
>>> how do i get a stacktrace inside handleTermination?
>>> If not currently possible, could we have a compile flag that would enable
>>> this kind of feature? (making code slower would be OK, its an opt in
>>> feature)
>>> Ideally we'd also be able to walk up or down the stack trace (kind of
>>> what
>>> gdb would do, but I'd like to be able to do that without resorting to
>>> gdb,
>>> using a language/library solution)
>>> ----
>>> import core.sys.posix.signal;
>>> import std.c.stdlib;
>>> import std.stdio;
>>> void main(string[] args)
>>> {
>>>         bsd_signal(SIGINT, &handleTermination);
>>>         while (true)
>>>         {
>>>         }
>>> }
>>> extern(C) void handleTermination(int signal)
>>> {
>>>         writefln("Caught signal: %s", signal);
>>>         exit(signal);
>>> }
>>> -----
>> You mean call stack?
>> Maybe something like this:
>> ---
>> import core.sys.posix.signal;
>> import std.c.stdlib;
>> import std.stdio;
>> import std.conv;
>> void main(string[] args)
>> {
>>        bsd_signal(SIGINT, &handleTermination);
>>        while (true)
>>        {
>>        }
>> }
>> extern(C) void handleTermination(int signal)
>> {
>>        writefln("Caught signal: %s", signal);
>>        getTrace();
>>        exit(signal);
>> }
>> extern (C) void* thread_stackBottom();
>> extern (C) char** backtrace_symbols(void**, int size);
>> void getTrace() {
>>     void*[10] callstack;
>>     void** stackTop;
>>     void** stackBottom = cast(void**) thread_stackBottom();
>>     asm {
>>         mov [stackTop], RBP;
>>     }
>>     auto curr = stackTop;
>>     size_t i;
>>     for (i = 0; stackTop <= curr &&
>>         curr < stackBottom && i < 10;)
>>     {
>>         callstack[i++] = *(curr+1);
>>         curr = cast(void**) *curr;
>>     }
>>     auto ret = backtrace_symbols(callstack.**ptr, cast(int) i);
>>     for (; i > 0; i--) {
>>         writeln((*ret).to!string());
>>         ret++;
>>     }
>> }
>> ---
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