Is there a keyword to access the base class

Stephen Jones siwenjo at
Tue Jun 18 15:10:49 PDT 2013

I am trying to do this:

import std.stdio;
import std.conv;

class Bar{

class Foo : Bar{
	int val = 10;
class Foos : Bar{
	int val = 20;
	string str = "some more memory";

void main(){
	Bar[] bars;
	bars ~= new Foo();
	bars ~= new Foos();
	foreach(Bar b; bars){
		//writeln(b.val);//error: no property 'val' for type 'mod.Bar'

The problem is that I have to cast each Bar instance to its base 
class (Foo, Foos) before the compiler recognizes the val 
variable. Is there some syntax or keyword to allow me to specify 
that the b in the foreach loop refers to the base class not the 
super, such as writeln(b.base.val);

I know I can cast, but how do I know what base class each b in 
the foreach loop is?

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