Newbie problem
Roger Stokes
rs at
Wed Jun 19 08:25:14 PDT 2013
I'd be grateful for advice. The problem is that I can't get the
on page 406-7 of the"The D Programming Language " to compile.
I've cut and pasted the text from the website, and corrected the
typo (undefined tgt, so use stdout instead). I get this
page406x.d(11): Error: cannot implicitly convert expression
(__r24.front()) of type ubyte[] to immutable(ubyte)[]
from this input:
import std.algorithm, std.concurrency, std.stdio;
void main() {
enum bufferSize = 1024 * 100;
auto tid = spawn(&fileWriter);
// Read loop
foreach (immutable(ubyte)[] buffer; stdin.byChunk(bufferSize))
send(tid, buffer);
void fileWriter() {
// Write loop
for (;;) {
auto buffer = receiveOnly!(immutable(ubyte)[])();
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