SocketStream and weird 0xA character

Regan Heath regan at
Wed Mar 20 08:01:00 PDT 2013

On Sun, 17 Feb 2013 16:53:23 -0000, Lubos Pintes <lubos.pintes at>  

> I am writing little program which downloads simple data file from server  
> through HTTP.
> The file is static, but updated regularly, so I am using "Range: bytes"  
> header to optimize the traffic a bit.
> After I analyzed HTTP status line and headers, I started to read the raw  
> data through
> There seems to be one single '\n' character in buffer[0] after first  
> read. I cannot figure out why this character is appearing. It is not  
> there when I download that file through wget.
> Here is relevant part of code:
> //Parse status line + headers
>    string[string] header;
>    auto line=ss.readLine();
>    auto statusLine=line.split(" ");
>    auto responseCode=to!int(statusLine[1]);
>    while(true) {
>      line=ss.readLine();
>      if(!line.length) break;
>      auto h=line.split(":");
>      header[h[0].idup]=h[1].strip.idup;
>    }
>    int contentLength=to!uint(header["Content-Length"]);
>    if(responseCode==416 && contentLength==fileSize) return; //nothing to  
> download
>    if(responseCode==200 || responseCode==216) {
>      ubyte[] buffer=new ubyte[4096];
>      auto first=true;
>      while(contentLength>0) {
>        auto;
>        if(first) {writeln(buffer[0..20]); first=false; }
>        f.rawWrite(buffer[0..bytesRead]);
>        contentLength-=bytesRead;
>      }
>    }

IIRC there is a blank line after headers in the HTTP protocol, that's how  
you know you're at the end of the headers i.e.

<status code/response>
<blank line>


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