Remove duplicates

bearophile bearophileHUGS at
Tue May 21 15:00:07 PDT 2013

Sometimes I have need a simple function like this, related to 

// Must keep the original order of the items.
// Slow implementation that shows the semantics.
T[] noDupes(T)(in T[] s) {
     import std.algorithm: canFind;
     T[] result;
     foreach (T c; s)
         if (!result.canFind(c))
             result ~= c;
     return result;

void main() {
     import std.string: squeeze;
     assert("AAAA".noDupes == "A");
     assert("AAAA".squeeze == "A");
     assert("ABAC".noDupes == "ABC");
     assert("ABAC".squeeze == "ABAC");

Do you know if this function (or a simple way to implement it) 
already in Phobos?


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