Associative Array: reasonable limits?

TheFlyingFiddle theflyingfiddle at
Sat Nov 2 18:03:53 PDT 2013

> If AAs don't have any hidden penalty, like causing the garbage 
> collector to thrash, then that's the way to go

Any time you insert an item into an AA it might allocate. So it 
might cause a garbage collection cycle. I'm unsure what you mean 
by "causing the garbage collector to trash" memory leeaks? If 
it's not acceptable that the gc will collect then either build a 
custom hash map class with determenistic memory
management or implement your sorted array version.

Note: Lookup into AA's does not allocate

> I've used larger AAs in simple programs without problems, but 
> this one will probably run continually for months.

I have never written anything that is supposed to run for months 
at a time so take anything i say with a grain of salt.

> is only one piece, so I'm a bit concerned about things that I 
> can't see any easy way to test.  So I thought I'd ask.
> P.S.:  The external codes are NOT known at compile time.  Not 
> even at the start of run time. They are added incrementally, 
> and there is no actual rule about what they will be.  (This is 
> a part of the reason for all the "about" and "estimated" in my 
> original statement (unless I edited them out).)

Since the codes have no rule the best you can do for an hash 
function is to use a gernerall one, this might not be good enough 
for your purposes. You could test it with the build in string 
hash function on random strings of a specific length but it's no 
guarantee that it will work well for you specific data. It's 
however highly likely that it will still be faster then 15 misses 
to 1 hit ratio.

> So it sounds like I should plan on using AAs, and just keep the 
> array option around as a fallback position.

I would aggre. If the extra memory and non-deterministisism is 
not acceptable go with the array.

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