Reflections on Serialization APIs in D

Orvid King blah38621 at
Mon Nov 18 05:39:50 PST 2013

On 11/18/13, "Per Nordlöw\" <per.nordlow at>"
<"Per Nordlöw\" <per.nordlow at>"> wrote:
> Is JSONSerialization somehow related to the upcoming
> std.serialization?
> I feel that there is a big need for standardizing serialization
> in D. There are too many alternatives: dproto, msgpack, JSON,
> xml, etc should be made backends to the same frontend named
> std.serialization right?
> /Per
> On Sunday, 17 November 2013 at 21:37:35 UTC, Orvid King wrote:
>> On 11/17/13, "Nordlöw" <per.nordlow at> wrote:
>>> In the road to develop a new kind of search engine that caches
>>> types, statistics, etc about files and directories I'm
>>> currently
>>> trying to implement persistent caching of my internal directory
>>> tree using `msgpack-d`:
>>> Why doesn't `msgpack-d` and, from what I can see also,
>>> `std.serialization` (Orange) support implementing *both*
>>> packing
>>> and unpacking through one common template (member) function
>>> overload like **Boost.Serialization** does?. For example
>>> containers can be handled using this concise and elegant syntax
>>> in C++11:
>>>          friend class boost::serialization::access;
>>>          template<class Ar> void serialize(Ar& ar, const uint
>>> version) {
>>>              for (const auto& e : *this) { ar & e; }
>>>          }
>>> This halves the code size aswell as removes the risk of making
>>> the `pack` and `unpack` go out of sync.
>> I would suspect that the biggest reason is the limitations that
>> that
>> imposes on the underlying serialization implementation, as it
>> would
>> require that the underlying format support a minimum set of
>> types.
>> I have something similar(ish) in my serialization framework,
>> ( that allows you to
>> implement a custom format for each type, but I implement it as
>> a pair
>> of methods, toString and parse, allowing the underlying format
>> to be
>> able to support only serializing strings if it really wanted
>> to. Also,
>> currently my framework only supports JSON, but it's designed
>> such that
>> it would be insanely easy to add support for another format.
>> It's also
>> fast, very fast, mostly because I have managed to implement the
>> serialization methods entirely with no allocation at all being
>> required. I'm able to serialize 100k objects in about 90ms on
>> an i5
>> running at 1.6ghz, deserialization is a bit slower currently,
>> 420ms to
>> deserialize those same objects, but that's almost exclusively
>> allocation time.

Yep, my goal with it is to be a possible contender for the place of
std.serialization, I've designed it from the start to be able to be
fast, but also easily usable, which is why toJSON and fromJSON exist,
because they provide a very large usability improvement while still
allowing it to be fast. It also is based on an abstracted api that
allows you to interact with the serialization format in a way that is
independent of what the actual format is.

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