dmd linker and compiler
c1514843 at
Mon Nov 25 12:44:19 PST 2013
I think I remember when setting up Visual D I went in and had to
add some path to the library folders or something. Maybe that has
to do with it?
The issue only happens when I import the library I've created
into the project so it probably is a configuration issue within
Visual D.
e.g., Create a new console project hello world. Builds fine. Drag
and drop my library into the project for editing, link error
can't fine user32.lib/dmd.obj.
These are the exact errors I get
OPTLINK : Warning 183: Extension not .RES :
user32.lib(0) : Error 2: File Not Found user32.lib
Looking at the build log the best I can tell is Visual D is for
some reason inserting user32.lib and other wrong things into the
command line for some reason.
Invalid path below and user32.lib linked without qualified path.
Why or who is creating it like this is beyond me. There is
nothing in the visual studio/D configuration properties of the
project that has anything but the defaults set as far as I can
set PATH=D:\Dlang\dmd2\windows\\bin;C:\Program Files
(x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows\v7.0A\\\bin;%PATH%
set LIB="C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\8.1\Lib\win8\um\x86"
echo. > D:\DLang\Projects\Tests\RTest1\RTest1\Debug DMD
echo "Debug DMD Win32\RTest1.obj","Debug DMD
Win32\RTest1.exe_cv","Debug DMD Win32\",user32.lib+ >>
D:\DLang\Projects\Tests\RTest1\RTest1\Debug DMD
echo kernel32.lib/NOMAP/CO/NOI /nologo >>
D:\DLang\Projects\Tests\RTest1\RTest1\Debug DMD
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