directx bindings problem

Benjamin Thaut code at
Thu Oct 3 02:35:47 PDT 2013

Am 03.10.2013 08:19, schrieb evilrat:
> i'm trying directx bindings from dsource
> (
> and encountered problem, when calling swap chain getbuffer it suddenly
> crashes. does anyone using it? any help please :(
> // Create a render target view
> ID3D11Texture2D* pBackBuffer;
> // C++ version
> //hr = g_pSwapChain->GetBuffer( 0, __uuidof( ID3D11Texture2D
> ),(LPVOID*)&pBackBuffer );
> // D version(crashes)
> hr = g_pSwapChain.GetBuffer( 0, &IID_ID3D11Texture2D,
> cast(LPVOID*)pBackBuffer );

What directX .lib file are you linking against?
Whats the exact error that is given to you?
When you run this from within visual studio you might get additional 
information about the problem.

Kind Regards
Bejamin Thaut

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