Ddoc WEB function

simendsjo simendsjo at gmail.com
Thu Oct 3 03:59:36 PDT 2013

On Thursday, 3 October 2013 at 10:46:00 UTC, Joseph Rushton
Wakeling wrote:
> On 02/10/13 21:34, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
>> It's not a bug at all. It's in
>> https://github.com/D-Programming-Language/dlang.org/blob/master/std.ddoc
>> ddoc is a macro language and does not at all restrict you to 
>> what comes with
>> it, and the standard library uses quite a few macros that are 
>> specific to it
>> (e.g. XREF for a link to another module in std). When you run 
>> dmd with -D, you
>> can give it a .ddoc file which contains macros that you define 
>> (or redefine), and
>> std.ddoc is the one that the standard library uses.
> Ahh, OK, thanks.
>> If you to restrict yourself to the built-in ones in your code, 
>> then use the
>> ones at
>> http://dlang.org/ddoc.html
>> And if you want to define more, then create your own .ddoc 
>> file with them in it.
>> But Phobos uses std.ddoc, and we add new macros to it when we 
>> feel that it's
>> appropriate.
> Fair enough, but ...
>>> , and is there any particular reason to favour WEB over, say, 
>>> LINK2 ?
>> It's less verbose.
> ... is there any difference between WEB and LINK2 apart from 
> the length?  And if so, why not just include WEB among the 
> built-in macros?

Doesn't WEB just add "http://" before the first parameter?
LINK2 = <a href="$1">$+</a>
WEB   = <a href="http://$1">$+</a>

I don't think there should be too many predefined macros. At
least not all related to HTML. But it's possible to override
them, right?

There are probably plenty of nice-to-have macros that would be
convenient to have always available, but it's pretty trivial to
add them yourself - or just use the phobos ddoc.

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