Using traits get a list of methods and filter out the member vars.

Dicebot public at
Sun Sep 8 06:46:24 PDT 2013

import std.traits, std.range;

private template Methods(T)
	if (is(T == class))
	private string[] getMethods()
		string result[];
		foreach (member_string; __traits(allMembers, T))
			mixin("alias member = " ~ T.stringof ~ "." ~ member_string ~ 
			static if (is(typeof(member) == function))

				result ~= __traits(identifier, member);
		return result;
	enum Methods = getMethods().join("\n");

class A
	int a;
	void delegate() dg;
	void foo() { }

void main()
	pragma(msg, Methods!A);

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