Linking Trouble (Linux)

Craig Dillabaugh cdillaba at
Thu Sep 12 13:47:45 PDT 2013

On Thursday, 12 September 2013 at 20:26:29 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh
> On Thursday, 12 September 2013 at 19:46:21 UTC, Craig Dillabaugh
> wrote:
>> I just upgraded my Linux distro (openSuse) and now when trying 
>> to
>> compile a project with dub I am getting linking errors.
>> Compilation goes OK until the linking stage, when I get the
>> following:
>> Linking...
>> dmd -of/home/craig/cloud/vibe-tiles/vibe
>> /home/craig/cloud/vibe-tiles/temp.o -L-levent_pthreads 
>> -L-levent
>> -L-lssl -L-lcrypto -g
> clip
>> Strangely, and are both there and 
>> libcrypto
>> is linked to them.
> clip
>> Craig
> OK, so I solved my compilation problem by passing the following
> as the linker command (added -L-ldl and -L-lz):
> dmd -of/home/craig/cloud/vibe-tiles/vibe
> /home/craig/cloud/vibe-tiles/temp.o -L-levent_pthreads -L-levent
> -L-lssl -L-ldl -L-lz -L-lcrypto -g
> How the GCC linker decides which libraries I need to explicitly
> specify is indeed a mystery to me.
> Craig

For anyone who runs into a similar problem using DUB the
following package.json files solves the problem:

	"name": "vibe",
	"description": "My first vibe project.",
	"homepage": "",
	"copyright": "Me",
	"authors": [
		"Craig Dillabaugh"
	"dependencies": {
		"vibe-d": "~master"
	"libs": ["dl", "z"]

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