User defined attributes use

Adam D. Ruppe destructionator at
Mon Sep 16 13:09:52 PDT 2013

On Monday, 16 September 2013 at 19:58:51 UTC, Namespace wrote:
> Why should anyone switch to D if it is nothing else as a new 
> C++?

It's worth pointing out that the library AAs proposed here would 
still have the same syntax as the built-in ones now.

int[string] a;

would just be magically rewritten into

AssociativeArray!(int, string) a;

and ["one" : 1, "two" : 2], would just become something like 
AALiteral(["one", "two"], [1, 2]);, or whatever, I'm not sure 
exactly what they were going to do there.

Anyway though, all the sugar is still there, just a new 
implementation as a regular D struct instead of a bunch of calls 
to _d_assocarray and the other dozen magic functions and typeinfo 
things it uses now.

BTW part of the bugginess is because this move to the library was 
half-assed. It does do the AssocativeArray rewrite... but it also 
still uses the magic functions.

So there's all kinds of weird crap going on that can make 
programs fail to link and other bugs since we've been stuck in 
this no-man's land for years.

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