std.array.array seems to return flatten copy of input
Olivier Grant
against.the at
Fri Apr 4 13:35:57 PDT 2014
That is one responsive D community :) Thank you to all three of
you for these quick answers.
I was really scratching my head on that one. This shows that UFCS
can be quite dangerous. Is there any way to hide Splicer.array to
the outside world? It just seems that it would be very easy to
break client code by updating your implementation if you end up
using a name that is already used elsewhere and accessed using
On Friday, 4 April 2014 at 20:29:28 UTC, anonymous wrote:
> On Friday, 4 April 2014 at 20:19:53 UTC, Olivier Grant wrote:
>> import std.stdio;
>> import std.range;
>> import std.array;
>> auto splice( size_t N, R )( R range )
>> if(isInputRange!R)
>> {
>> struct Splicer
>> {
>> R array;
>> @property bool empty( ) const
>> { return 0 == array.length; }
>> @property auto front( ) const
>> { return array[0 .. N]; }
>> void popFront( )
>> { array = array[N .. $]; }
>> }
>> static assert(isInputRange!Splicer);
>> assert(range.length % N == 0);
>> Splicer res = { range };
>> return res;
>> }
>> unittest
>> {
>> assert(equal([1,2,3,4].splice!(2), [[1,2],[3,4]]));
>> }
>> void main( )
>> {
>> auto a = [1,2,3,4];
>> writeln(a.splice!(2));
>> writeln(a.splice!(2).array);
>> }
>> which weirdly enough gives me the following output :
>> [[1,2],[3,4]] // I expect that.
>> [1,2,3,4] // But what is happening here ?
> a.splice!(2).array is the field of the Splicer struct. Rename
> that or call std.array.array not via UFCS.
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