can I generate an enum from a typelist?

Vlad Levenfeld vlevenfeld at
Tue Apr 8 00:39:27 PDT 2014

I'm a beginner to D and I have written this awful code:

     struct Layer
	// defs
	alias Types  = TypeTuple !(Solid, Gradient, Text, Sprite, Plane);
	enum Type
		solid 		= staticIndexOf !(Solid, Types),
		gradient	= staticIndexOf !(Gradient, Types),
		text		= staticIndexOf !(Text, Types),
		sprite		= staticIndexOf !(Sprite, Types),
		plane		= staticIndexOf !(Plane, Types),
		invalid		= -1
	struct Solid
	struct Gradient
	struct Text
	struct Sprite
	struct Plane
	// data
	const Type type;
		Solid 	 solid;
		Gradient gradient;
		Text 	 text;
		Sprite 	 sprite;
		Plane 	 plane;
	// ctor
	@disable this ();
	this (T) (T layer)
		if (not (staticIndexOf !(T, Types) is (Type.invalid)))
			auto type = cast (const Type) staticIndexOf !(T, Types);
			auto type_name = cast (const) to !string (EnumMembers !Type 
			mixin ("this."~type_name~"= layer;");
			this.type = type;

So, the layer types are being rewritten 4 times. I anticipate 
hair pulling and teeth grinding when I come back later to add 
more layer types (after I've forgotten the implementation 

Ideally, I'd like to just get the names of all the nested structs 
within the Layer struct and use a template to populate both the 
enum and the union, but I can't use templates to change the size 
of a type (so the union is out) and I have no idea how I might 
lowercase the first letter of each type name in the TypeTuple at 
compile time (there goes the enum).

Is there anything I can do to clean this mess up?  Maybe there's 
at least a way to generate an enum off the union using 
std.traits.allMembers or something?

I've got a feeling that my design kind of sucks anyway, so I'm 
open to suggestions to take it in completely different direction 
as well.

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