string mixin only works once per block?

Vlad Levenfeld vlevenfeld at
Fri Apr 11 07:05:15 PDT 2014

I'm trying to cut down on some boilerplate with this function:

const string link (alias variable) ()
	const string name = __traits (identifier, variable);
	return name~`= glGetUniformLocation (program, "`~name~`");`;

Applied in this kind of context:
this ()
	super ("default.vert", "gradient.frag");
	mixin link!start_color;
	mixin link!final_color;
	mixin link!center_pos;
	mixin link!lerp_vec;
	mixin link!lerp_range;

And the first mixin in every such function works fine, but the 
rest don't. Specifically, I get this error:

source/main.d(483): Error: mixin link!final_color link isn't a 

for each mixin after the first. If I put the argument to mixin in 

mixin (link!start_color);

I get:

source/main.d(483): Error: value of 'this' is not known at 
compile time

Finally, removing the parenthesis and putting each mixin 
statement in its own block:

{mixin link!start_color;}

compiles, but the mixed-in string has no apparent effect.

Is this a bug or am I doing it wrong?

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