Using the delete Keyword /w GC

Baz via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Mon Aug 25 18:16:29 PDT 2014

On Monday, 25 August 2014 at 17:10:11 UTC, Etienne wrote:
> People have been saying for quite a long time not to use the 
> `delete` keyword on GC-allocated pointers.
> I've looked extensively through the code inside the engine and 
> even made a few modifications on it/benchmarked it for weeks 
> and I still can't see why it would be wrong. Wouldn't it help 
> avoid collections and make a good hybrid of manual 
> management/collected code? The free lists in the GC engine look 
> quite convenient to use. Any ideas?

Until custom class de/allocators are not >>really<< deprecated, 
the delete keyword is not >>necessarly<< deleting from the GC. 
Look at this:

You can do the same but without adding the class reference to the 
GC. Then delete will call the custom deallocator which is itself 
not calling the GC.

So in a way I think you're right when you say that delete could 
help into manual mem managment. But that's not a reliable (over 
time) situation.

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