Learning D

Ryan via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Wed Aug 27 06:25:23 PDT 2014

Thanks again for all the responses.  I've made tremendous 
progress understanding the D build process.

I'm thinking I will probably create a more in depth GTK+ hello 
world that attempts to covers some of the current D landscape.  
For instance I now understand how DMD and RDMD work and how they 
are different from one another. But I do not yet understand how 
to use DUB, or why I would choose it over one of the many other 
build systems such as CMakeD2, DSSS, XfBuild, Bud, RDMD, or 
premake4.  Especially DSSS vs DUB. Is DUB a replacement for DSSS?

I also don't understand why there are multiple code repositories 
and where to find what (http://code.dlang.org vs 
http://www.dsource.org/projects/).  I understand that Open Source 
is decentralized, but when you're talking about a relatively 
small user group like D it seems very confusing.

Last, I've been in the Java/C# world so long that I don't 
understand why I need to provide the source code to statically 
link a *.lib file.  I started exploring dynamic link libraries, 
and this too seems very confusing to me.  Perhaps there is a 
better way to do this?  Perhaps I just don't understand it well 
enough yet?

Next on my list is to attempt to create a Glade hello world in D.

Can I host a tutorial here on dlang.org?  If so does it belong 
under "How-tos" or "Articles"?

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