Ncurses deprecated "~master" issue

Paul via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at
Wed Dec 3 04:07:32 PST 2014

Sorry if this is a little off-topic, I posted this in the Dub 
forum on 23/11/14 but have had no reply yet:

I read that the use of a branch spec like "~master" in dub.json 
is deprecated. I also read that it could be overriden on a 
per-project basis by editing the project's dub.selections.json 
file but I can't find any information about what is actually 
required in this file and whether any corresponding changes need 
to be made to dub.json.

I'm trying to use 'ncurses' which doesn't have a version number, 
only "~master".

Also, does anyone know how 'beta' the ncurses module actually is, 
is anyone using it?



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