Derelict / SDL error
Paul via Digitalmars-d-learn
digitalmars-d-learn at
Wed Dec 10 10:58:14 PST 2014
On Wednesday, 10 December 2014 at 18:06:08 UTC, Paul wrote:
> On Wednesday, 10 December 2014 at 16:58:57 UTC, Mike Parker
> wrote:
>> On 12/11/2014 12:31 AM, Paul wrote:
>>> This thread has degenerated into a discussion of the set up
>>> of my OS
>>> which is miles off topic and should probably be abandoned.
>> Maybe not. The trouble is that others have been able to
>> compile and run the same code without error. Given that you
>> are still unable to, that puts your system configuration in
>> the spotlight. Your error with libpng points even more in that
>> direction. If that turns out to be the culprit, it wouldn't be
>> the first time someone has had run-time errors because of
>> something not quite right on their system.
>> Without a failure that others can reproduce, there's not much
>> for anyone to do other than make (hopefully educated) guesses.
>> I'm happy to keep doing so until it's either resolved or I run
>> out of ideas.
> I appreciate that Mike, I would really like to get this sorted
> so I can get on with learning D. I read up on the procedure for
> building the latest libpng which I did. It gives same error
> message as using the earlier version.
> It seems to me that trying to use SDL_image rather than the
> 'built in' *.bmp handling might be compounding the problem
> (unless libpng is called upon to render bmps as well?). I don't
> know what to try next I'm afraid.
On another of my machines (64 bit Linux 17 XFCE) I've just
installed dmd (64 bit) and dub binary, xorg-dev (includes libpng
1.2.50) and built SDL2. This program now works without any errors:
import derelict.sdl2.sdl;
import std.stdio;
import std.conv;
void main()
scope(exit) SDL_Quit();
//init sdl
writeln("SDL_Init Error: ", to!string( SDL_GetError() ));
//open a window
SDL_Window *window = SDL_CreateWindow("Window Title!", 100, 100,
640, 480, SDL_WINDOW_SHOWN);
if (window == null){
writeln("SDL_CreateWindow Error: ", to!string(SDL_GetError() ));
//get a renderer (ie buffer), use software renderer for now
SDL_Renderer *renderer = SDL_CreateRenderer(window, -1,
if (renderer == null){
writeln( "SDL_CreateRenderer Error: " , to!string(
SDL_GetError() ));
//load a bitmap
SDL_Surface *image = SDL_LoadBMP("./test.bmp");
if (image == null){
writeln( "SDL_LoadBMP error: " , to!string(SDL_GetError() ));
//create texture for bitmap
SDL_Texture *texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer,
if (texture == null){
writeln( "CreateTextureFromSurface error: " ,
to!string(SDL_GetError() ));
//copy to renderer at correct position & scale
SDL_Rect sourceRect = { 0, 0, 64, 64 };
SDL_Rect destRect = { 100, 100, 64, 64 };
SDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, &sourceRect, &destRect);
//display and pause
The two machines on which errors occur are a Mint 13 (32 bit) box
and an ageing laptop with Lubuntu 14.04. I've followed the same
procedures but the 64 bit obviously has the 64 bit dmd compiler.
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