optimization / benchmark tips a good topic for wiki ?

Laeeth Isharc via Digitalmars-d-learn digitalmars-d-learn at puremagic.com
Mon Dec 22 04:37:32 PST 2014

> Replacing "import core.stdc.math" with "import std.math" in the 
> D example increases the avg runtime from 19.64 to 23.87 seconds 
> (~20% slower) which is consistent with OP's statement.

+ nobounds, release

Do you think we should start a topic on D wiki front page for 
benchmarking/performance tips to organize peoples' experience of 
what works?

I took a quick look and couldn't see anything already.  And it 
seems to be a topic that comes up quite frequently (less on forum 
than people doing their own benchmarks and it getting picked up 
on reddit etc).

I am not so experienced in this area otherwise I would write a 
first draft myself.


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